

There are many ways to approach Staffbeat. Perhaps you’re interested in learning more about the platform itself, seeking additional information on how the solution can support your work role, or maybe you’re most intrigued by the individual features?


Staffbeat is a platform designed from the ground up with employees in mind,  specifically aimed at enhancing engagement in manufacturing. Rooted in thorough research and built with insights from industry experts, Staffbeat provides a comprehensive business framework.

By department

Employee engagement involves multiple stakeholders across the organisation. In Staffbeat, employees are at the forefront, and the platform provides a prime opportunity to break down organisational silos and collaborate more extensively to create optimal conditions for the workforce.


In Staffbeat, we’ve consolidated everything into a single solution, providing access to news, chat, handbooks, teams, onboarding, micro–learning, surveys, meetup planning, ideation, tasks, and electronic forms. Everything seamlessly integrates, sparing employees the need to navigate various applications or modules.


Staffbeat is a platform designed from the ground up with employees in mind, specifically aimed at enhancing engagement in manufacturing. Rooted in thorough research and built with insights from industry experts, Staffbeat provides a comprehensive business framework. This framework simplifies planning, executing, and reviewing initiatives that benefit both companies and their employees, leading to:


Improved performance

Via enhanced productivity and quality of work.


Lower staff turnover

Through increased company loyalty.


Reduced absenteeism

By fostering wellbeing, job satisfaction, and morale.


Better safety practices

And fewer workplace incidents with targeted training and awareness.
Staffbeat comes with an array of business processes and features designed to positively influence employee engagement in many ways, seamlessly fitting into daily routines. These include effective company communication, quick access to information, feedback mechanisms, group collaboration, and efficient onboarding and training processes.
Moreover, Staffbeat offers the flexibility to be customized, allowing companies to tailor the platform to match their brand identity and colour schemes easily. This customisation enhances user experience and aligns with corporate aesthetics, making Staffbeat not just a tool but an extension of the company’s culture. Staffbeat is designed for everyone at work, whether they’re desk–based, on the go, or on the factory floor.
With a user–friendly interface similar to popular social media platforms, it simplifies finding information and performing tasks, making work more enjoyable. It offers multi-language support, utilizes smart AI for improvements, and provides a wealth of guides and templates. Ideal for mobile usage, Staffbeat addresses the needs of factory or warehouse workers who may have limited interaction with computers, while its universal device compatibility ensures it is also perfect for office employees.
Tailored for the enterprise market, Staffbeat is committed to stringent compliance and IT security standards, meeting the rigorous requirements for international business operations.

By department

Employee engagement involves multiple stakeholders across the organisation. In Staffbeat, employees are at the forefront, and the platform provides a prime opportunity to break down organisational silos and collaborate more extensively to create optimal conditions for the workforce. Here, you can see how Staffbeat supports employee engagement based on your role:

Internal Communications

Human Resources



Internal Communication

Internal communication is key to driving employee engagement, and Staffbeat makes it easier. The platform enables targeted communication to make it as relevant and engaging as possible, ensuring a smooth flow of information across the organisation and between colleagues. This is true for both management and staff, as well as among employees themselves.

In Staffbeat, communication happens just like on social media, with newsfeeds, groups, surveys, polls, and chats. Furthermore it has an announcement feature, that allows to send out “breaking news”.

The platform allows for:
Corporate communication through posts in feeds, helping everyone understand the company’s mission, goals, and values. Updates and news can include text, photos, videos, links, invitations, and surveys. While content is published centrally, employees can interact with it through likes, comments, and shares.
Team posts, where posts appear in employees’ feeds. Employees join different teams based on their role or interests. This can range from the entire organisation to specific factories, shifts, and interest groups like sports or arts. In some groups, interaction might be limited to likes, comments, and shares, while in others, employees can post their own content for colleagues to engage with.
Surveys and polls offer employees the opportunity to express their opinions and contribute to new ideas in a structured and engaging manner. This feature enables participants to provide their feedback on various topics, from workplace improvements to new initiatives, in a way that fosters active engagement. Participation in these surveys and polls can be configured to be either anonymous, ensuring privacy and encouraging openness, or attributable, where responses are linked back to individual respondents.
Chat  provides a seamless and informal communication channel, perfect for both one–on–one interactions and group discussions. Mirroring the familiar experience of platforms such as Messenger, it facilitates the sharing of text messages, images, videos, and links. This feature enhances collaborative efforts by enabling users to swiftly respond to, like, or share content, making it an indispensable tool for fostering dynamic and engaging workplace conversations.
Breaking news  screen that temporarily takes over, requiring interaction before continuing. This feature ensures urgent information is seen and acted upon immediately. It’s typically used for critical updates, emergency notifications, or important company announcements. However, it should be used sparingly to avoid user frustration or desensitisation to alerts. The posts can be sorted by team to create a better overview; they can be pinned to the top if one wishes to revisit them, and it is easy to search through them. It is user–friendly and intuitive to produce content. The user interface, familiar from social media, remains consistent for both employees and power users, although the latter group has access to significantly more features. Communication can be translated into various languages with a single click, AI assists in generating material, and it is possible to voice input on devices that facilitate this functionality. Staffbeat ensures full compliance by maintaining a digital record of crucial data.

Human resources

Staffbeat simplifies HR’s approach to boosting employee engagement. It’s a social media–like platform, familiar to employees, enabling targeted sharing of news and updates, easy access to information, feedback through surveys and polls, invitations to meetings and events, inclusive onboarding for new roles, and skill enhancement via micro–learning.

The platform allows for:
Employee briefings  via posts in feeds, covering various subjects such as HR announcements, policy updates, and diversity initiatives. These posts can encompass text, photos, videos, links, invitations, and surveys. While HR centrally publishes the content, employees can engage by liking, commenting, and sharing.
HR information hub  acting like an easily accessible intranet, simplifying access to information for employees. This includes content like employee handbooks, manuals and FAQ’s in text, image, and video formats, potentially linked to third–party sources.
HR surveys and polls are great ways for ideation and to gather feedback on employee–related topics such as satisfaction, work–life balance, and company culture. Identifying areas for improvement and openly sharing action plans and outcomes build trust.
HR teams  can be used as communities that focus on key topics such as salaries and benefits, well–being, stress management, inclusion, and diversity. These groups can be equipped with targeted information, advice, and tools, serving as central hubs for employees to access essential resources and engage in meaningful discussions.
Meetings and events  can be easily planned through HR–sent invitations, complete with details and RSVP options. These sync automatically with Outlook and Google calendars, streamlining planning for all and enhancing communication and inclusivity through feedback, making activities more tailored and engaging for everyone.
Employee lifecycle management  automates an employee’s journey, optimizing each phase from onboarding to offboarding. The onboarding process includes personalized greetings, easy access to training, and automated feedback mechanisms to enhance engagement and support. Offboarding is streamlined for an efficient exit and to collect valuable insights through exit surveys.
Learning & training  features are designed for seamless professional development, integrating engaging and easily consumable content such as videos and tests to facilitate skill acquisition. Progress tracking and feedback mechanisms are included to ensure continuous improvement and adherence toindustry standards and legal requirements.
It is easy and intuitive for HR professionals to use Staffbeat. The user interface, familiar from social media, remains consistent for both them and employees, although the first group has access to significantly more features. Content can be translated into various languages with a single click, AI assists in generating material, and it is possible to voice input on devices that facilitate this functionality.

Staffbeat ensures full compliance by maintaining a digital record of crucial data.


Staffbeat makes work–life simpler by helping with many daily  operational  tasks. Its features are easy to use, much like social media, and work for different parts of an organization.

Whether it’s for teams in different areas like divisions, factories, or shifts, the platform helps with communication, sharing info, keeping safe, starting new jobs, learning, getting certified, planning meetings, filling out forms online, and managing crisis.

Staffbeats allows for:
Communication  is crucial for streamlined operations and can occur via postsand instant messaging, facilitating the exchange of text, photos, videos, and more. This arrangement encourages interactive engagement, such as likes and comments. Employees are organized into teams for structured collaboration and knowledge sharing across all levels, from factory–wide to specific groups such as shifts and professional affiliations.
Information hub serves as a user–friendly repository, offering instant access to a wealth of operational resources including Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), manuals, and guidelines. These are available in various formats, such as text, images, and videos, alongside links to external sources when necessary. Users can effortlessly navigate this information through streamlined menus or utilise an advanced AI–driven search function for pinpoint accuracy in finding what they need.
Onboarding  new employees or transitioning existing staff to new roles within the company is carried out through carefully structured programmes. These programmes are designed to provide comprehensive information, engaging activities, targeted training, and relevant assessments to ensure that all employees are thoroughly equipped for their responsibilities
Learning and training  involve employees participating in micro–learning sequences, where they enhance their skills based on information in various formats such as text and video. This process may conclude with tests and certifications, serving as internal documentation and evidence for third parties like authorities.
E–forms are electronic forms that can be easily accessed and filled out, after which they are automatically forwarded to the appropriate recipient. Examples include equipment maintenance requests, incident report forms, and material requisition slips.
Safety management is handled in several ways. Crisis alerts immediately take over the screen, ensuring instant awareness. Employees have quick access to safety guidelines and can easily report incidents. Training that leads to certifications encourages ongoing learning, with quizzes reinforcing the lessons. Ideation is possible, inviting employees to propose safety enhancements.
Links with access to third–party solutions from one place, for functionalities like shift planning and work orders. This setup simplifies tasks, making it easier to manage schedules and tasks efficiently. Staffbeat ensures full compliance by maintaining a digital record of crucial data, thereby simplifying ongoing optimisation and audit inspections, eliminating the need to sift through paperwork.


Staffbeat is an innovative platform designed to enhance business outcomes by elevating employee engagement in manufacturing. It activates the key drivers of business results and enables organisations to witness tangible, measurable benefits from their engagement efforts. 

The platform directly links employee engagement to success, fostering a stronger, more motivated workforce, and:
Increased performance, evident in improved productivity and higher quality of work.
Reduced staff turnover, achieved by bolstering employee loyalty to the company.
Decreased absenteeism, fostered by promoting wellbeing, enhancing job satisfaction, and improving morale.
Enhanced safety and reduced workplace incidents through focused training and heightened safety awareness. 
Deploying Staffbeat is straightforward, and it is tailored to meet the varied needs of different user groups, ensuring easy access for both administrators and regular users. It provides content and features that are relevant and specifically designed for its audience, thereby enhancing the user experience and the effectiveness of engagement stratThe platform is user–friendly, resembling popular social media sites, and aggregates important updates, tasks, news, and information in one place. Its design keeps everyone up–to–date in a manner that is both engaging and familiar, simplifying access to necessary resources.

Management information are accessible in reports and dashboards. Staffbeat is compatible with most devices, offering a broad array of tools that integrate seamlessly into daily routines to address various needs. It supports multiple languages and leverages AI to further improve the user experience. Additionally, the platform provides guides and templates to help users fully leverage the platform.


It’s not uncommon for office workers to utilise more than 20 applications per day in their work routines. However, such practices seldom align with the routines of their deskless counterparts, where there’s neither the opportunity nor the time for such activities. In roles on the shop floor, it’s crucial to have everything consolidated in one place, allowing for simple and swift communication, information access, and task execution.

In Staffbeat, we’ve consolidated everything into a single solution, providing access to news, chat, handbooks, teams, onboarding, micro–learning, surveys, meetup planning, ideation, tasks, and electronic forms. Everything seamlessly integrates, sparing employees the need to navigate various applications or modules.

Staffbeat offers easy access to:

Internal Communication

The platform enables targeted communication to make it as relevant and engaging as possible, ensuring a smooth flow of information across the organisation and between colleagues.


Posts in feeds

Helping everyone understand the company’s mission, goals, and values.


Team feed

Employees join different teams based on their role or interests.


Interactive engagement

While content is published centrally, employees can interact with it through likes, comments, and shares. 


Instant messaging

Provides a seamless communication channel, perfect for both one-on-one interactions and group discussions.

Knowledge Sharing

Acting like an easily accessible user-friendly intranet, simplifying access to information for employees.


Crucial to ensure that employees understand their responsibilities and functionalities.



Set of rules or instructions that are given to tell employees how to do something.



Contains instructions or advice about how to do something or the most important and useful information about a subject.



Offer steps or instructions for how to complete a project or task in the office. 

Feedback & Insights

Offer employees the opportunity to express their opinions and contribute to new ideas in a structured and engaging manner.

Employee briefings

Via posts in feeds, covering various subjects such as announcements, policy updates, and diversity initiatives.



Great ways for ideation and to gather feedback 
on employee-related topics.



Identifying areas for improvement and openly sharing action plans and outcomes build trust.



Can be easily accessed and filled out, after which they are automatically forwarded to the appropriate recipient.

Learning & Training

Involve employees participating in micro-learning sequences, where they enhance their skills based on information in various formats such as text and video.


Intended to measure and check the quality, performance, or reliability 



Carefully structured programmes for new employees or transitioning existing staff to new roles within the company.



Serving as internal documentation and evidence for third parties like authorities. 


Progress tracking

Included to ensure continuous improvement and adherence to industry standards and legal requirements.

Meetings & Events​

Sync automatically with Outlook and Google calendars, streamlining planning for all and enhancing communication and inclusivity through feedback, making activities more tailored and engaging for everyone. 


Use various tools to host virtual webinars, meetings and any other upcoming activities, big and small.



Conferences, symposiums, and workshops organised by company or management.



Only people who are invited can see the event description, photos, posts and videos. 



Anyone in the company can see event details and join it.

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